Giving is an interesting topic.
Today we'll talk about these kinds of giving:
Giving Thanks We can give thanks. Ahhhh, now here's an area that needs no limit. Gratitude is a beautiful thing for opening channels.
Forgiving There's another kind of giving to think about. Forgiving. We are in a season when many families spend time together. Lots of old hurts can come to the surface. If you can allow yourself a new perspective, perhaps the idea that the person that makes you feel a certain way is just life's way of giving you a great opportunity to grow, you might be able to plug into forgiveness and release. (Note: That does not mean it's OK to put yourself in harm's way! It means ignore the irritating things your family might say or do.) Can you find a way to frame those undesired comments to see there might be good intentions behind them? On a soul level, the people who bug you most likely mean no harm at all. Forgive without expecting any change. Forgive because it heals you. One of my favorite exercises for forgiveness is to pretend to forgive when you find it hard in the moment. That opens the door to expand. Forgiveness and Self-forgiveness Overlap We are so dang hard on ourselves. But guess what? Negative self-talk about your mistakes doesn't do any good! What does is productive is an inner inventory. Beating yourself up only holds you back from the greater good. In this difficult phase of self inventory, it's time to face the truth of your actions. If you did something that hurt others, this is a good time to own the choices you've made. Author and intuitive Caroline Myss uses strong language when she guides people to admit that the hurts we bring to others are a kind of sin. She calls it the language of the soul (instead of using the language of the mind). If you feel bad about something you did or said, fix it the best you can both on the outside and on the inside. That means owning up to the hurt you may have caused others because you were only thinking about what was good for you. This is work every human must do.
Giving Gifts We love to shop. We love stuff. But not everyone needs more stuff these days. If you know someone that needs something, great. Here are a few ideas about giving stuff:
The way to bring peace into your life is to bring peace into your life. One step at a time. Give thanks, forgive others, and forgive yourself. Love, Aunt Laya
![]() What is the secret to happiness? It's not really that complicated. Step into gratitude. I just heard the quote, "If you're grateful for everything, you're grateful for nothing," and that means get detailed with your gratitude. I just took a workshop that taught us to be very detailed with gratitude. How detailed? Well, think of something you're grateful for. Do you love to paint? How about the hairs of smallest brush you have or the color carmine red? Are you grateful for summer? Well, how about gratitude for the leaves of your favorite shade tree, or the pulp in lemons? Are you starting to get the idea? So here's the thing: You have to practice gratitude every day; really do it. Personally I usually start each morning with a very short prayer of gratitude for coming back into the world. I like to go to sleep listing things I'm grateful for as I fall asleep. When I'm really feeling down, I like to play what I call "The Gratitude Game" with my husband or a friend. Take turns listing things you're grateful for. If you find it hard to think about what you might be grateful for, then this is really the right exercise for you. Think about the sparkle on the greeting card you got. Think about the knobs on the drawers that make them easy to open. Think about the filter on your faucet so you don't get sand in your water. Still not sure? Experiment with this daily for a month and I guarantee your life and attitude will change for the better. You will feel better and happier. Start now. Watch this short video called "Can You Trust Your Eyes?" and then keep reading So now you understand that your eyes give information to your brain and your brain fills in more information. Only you've just seen that even when something is provable, that doesn't mean you'll see it as it is.
What if our other perceptions were like that too? What if you think something is one way but in fact, it might not be at all? Maybe you can use this to your advantage. What I'm trying to get to is a sort of "fake it 'til you make it" kind of thinking, or perhaps "reframing". If you can bring yourself more peace and well being on the inside by allowing yourself to know that perhaps there is a "benefit of the doubt" to a situation that is causing you mental or emotional anguish. Perhaps you can even imagine your way out of mental or emotional pain. Can you think of ways you can use this idea to give yourself the gift of freedom? What you thought was dark grey was really light grey visually, so maybe what you thought was not so nice, could really turn out to have a big benefit for you? What are the ways you can think of to use this idea to make some area of your life happier? Let me know, L Are you listening? Are you listening to what is going on inside of you? Each one of us is such a complex being. What I find over and over and over and over again is that each one of us has the knowing inside for clarity about what is best to do or not do. The tricky part is learning to sense the the truest part of your inner knowing and not to be tricked by the mind or emotions or impulses. This is about owning your own personal power in the deepest way.
The best way to hear that truest inner guidance that comes from the highest place of the soul is to be still and quiet. And then Listen. Listen. Listen. Self-forgiveness is one of the most healing actions you can bring into your life. And right now you have a chance to take the healing light of self-forgiveness to a very deep place in your heart. Did you know that it's important to do self forgiveness regularly? We humans tend to be hard on ourselves. It's important and healthy to evaluate what we do, how we behave, etc. And, when it's time for inner accounting the idea is to open to the opportunity to improve; then be careful to let go of the mistakes and errors in judgement. The idea here is to recognize that you are a precious child of the Creator and to free yourself to move forward in a tender and encouraging way. If you were doing a sport and the coach told you something to improve your game, would you tantrum and cry about it, or would it be more worth your while to practice more and implement the guidance? No brainer, right? So why do we forget and "beat ourselves up?" But don't beat yourself up for beating yourself up. Just clean up, get clear, and move forward with joy. Breathe. Exercise for your life: Place your hands over your heart. Close your eyes and notice your breath deepening. You can say: "I forgive myself. I forgive myself for any and all mistakes I've made. I forgive myself for any judgements I've held. I now release any negative emotions or thoughts. I fill myself with love and kindness as I open to my inner wisdom and strength. I am grateful." Rinse. Repeat as needed. Don't worry if it doesn't feel like much is happening at first. Keep going. Forgiveness and self-forgiveness is like drinking water; you really need to do it daily to keep healthy. This stuff really does work Love, Aunt Laya Thanks to and duane_j for the neat photo of graffiti art. |
Live the extraordinary life you deserve.
Aunt Laya
Aunt Laya inspires and encourages you to live the life you want for yourself! She'll tell you the truth, even when it's not always so easy to hear so that you can learn to handle the hard stuff of life and be your best, happiest self. Always with love and caring. Archives
October 2022