Tough love.
I love you enough to tell you the truth. Complaining doesn't do a dang thing. Complaining won't make your life better. In fact, it will drag you down, down, down into the depths of deeper crap. We all know that hard things happen in life. There are things in life worth crying about. The loss of a loved one, you have to grieve. The loss of a pet, you need to grieve. But mostly crying about what is wrong with your life doesn't fix it. It doesn't lift you, and it doesn't make things different. NEWS FLASH... Unhappiness does not bring happiness!!! Blowing off steam is over rated. I've tried it thinking it might have some value is helping to get past things that have upset me. It just increases the upset to go over things again and again. YOU HAVE TO DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT. Want love in your life? Don't cry about being lonely, JOY is what will attract love. Want success in your life? No more waaa waaa waaa! Imagine the most successful people you know--what ever the area of success--and I'll bet you don't hear a lot of whining from them. Complaining is a habit that you have to change. It will not be comfortable and it may not be easy. It may even take some effort. Like the effort to look around your life and find a reason a day to be happy. Create a new habit of noticing and acknowledging things that will make you feel good. This is a place to start. You can do this! Love, Aunt Laya
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There are a number of things in life that you might want to release: Grudges Bad relationships Difficult past Failure Disappointment Anger Resentment Jealousy I'm exhausted just thinking about this partial list of possibilities. Right now is a great time to "change" your way of doing things if you need to let go of the old crap and bring in more of what you really love. What ever "it" is that you want to get over, there are things you can do to let go. The question is, do you really want to "get over it"? Do you really want to let it go? Sometimes there is an aspect inside of each of us that is actually served by holding on. Could it be that you just know what "it" is and letting "it" go means you have to go into new territory? You could just keep going until you are sick and tired of being sick and tired. Probably you've gotten over disappointments or upset in your past. There is probably something in your life that you can look back on and not feel so upset thinking about it. So you know it's possible. Now, you just have to decide that you want to let go and the opportunity to release will show up. Maybe this blog post is just that for you! So if you're really ready experiment with these few tips and see what happens. Let it flow, then let it go, also called free-form writing or automatic writing. Put all the upset onto a piece of paper; then destroy the paper. (This is best if done by hand.) Don't read it, just destroy it. Believe me when I tell you that if you keep it and later find it, all the upset can come flooding back. If you destroy it, you may actually forget the details of your upset! Steep yourself in the new thought. That means that you surround yourself in an environment that squeezes out the old, unwanted thoughts or even emotions. I keep ideas in the back of my mind to go to when I find myself thinking things I don't want to think. You can do this with uplifting music (or even one song that you can go to), a favorite food (someone I know uses sushi), or pictures you cut out of a magazine. Try taking photos of the things that make you the happiest in your daily life, then print them and surround yourself with what you love. Ask. Who are you asking? Ask the highest aspect of your soul, or ask God; ask your angels (you do know that everyone, everyone, has angels around all the time, right?). What are you asking? Ask for Divine assistance in releasing what needs to be released. Ask to forget the things that upset you. Memories can and often do fade with age. Some of those memories are worth forgetting. Declare that you are releasing, letting go, or getting over it. Until it is real because it will become your new reality if you really want it to. Seriously. This doesn't necessarily all happen at once. It can, but if it doesn't, know that the movement into being free from "it" is happening step by sweet step. You can do this! Do something right now (baby steps!!) while you're thinking of it. Love, Aunt Laya Please "Like" and share!
It may seem like you're trying and trying to change things in your life but nothing's changing, nothing's moving. I am here to tell you my dear reader, that even if you don't see results right now, you are effecting change in your life.
Each small change you make will, over time, have a big impact. If you eat at a fast food restaurant one time it's not really a big deal. But if you each fast food every day, you will gain weight. If you study a new language one time, you will not speak a new language. But if you study every day for a set time--even five minutes a day--you will learn to speak that new language. Same with exercise of course. If you exercise only one time, even for five hours, it will not have the same impact as exercising every day for 15 or 20 minutes. The small changes you make in your life do have an impact even if you don't see it right away. So stay strong, be patient, and keep on making those little tweaks so that you are loving and living happier and healthier. You really can do this! Love, Aunt Laya How's your life journey going? Are you enjoying the journey? Guess what? You get to step into the life you dream of living. YES. You do! Life has its challenging moments and life also has its blissful moments--all outside of our control. On the other hand, there is something very powerful, I mean very powerful that you can control: You have free will to guide your thoughts. Whoa. I'm not kidding. You have free will to pilot your thoughts and guide your awareness to see the good. What you create in your life will begin with your thoughts. You may need to "snap out of" the negative thoughts and plan for where you will direct your thoughts. Your actions will follow. Your mind and all of creation will support you no matter what you choose--that is how powerful your thoughts are. Now just in case you're having a hard time with being stuck in negative thoughts, you come at it from a different direction; you also have the option of changing your actions. You can stop doing the things that bring you down and better yet, start filling your time with activities that fill your life with meaning. Can we go a little deeper with this? Even when you're doing something mundane, you can give it meaning. Like what? Fantastic that you have a job! How wonderful that you have vegetables to cut up. How blessed that you have a car to put gas into. Look at all these nice clothes you have to wash... Get the picture? On this path of life, you can choose to spend your time blaming, or choose to dance into your power. Sometimes simple awareness makes all the difference! Please "Like" or "Tweet" and share. <3
It is so easy to get "comfortable" in the way we are doing things right now. We get stuck in thinking that things need to be a certain way to "arrive" at "just right" what ever that looks like in your imagination. Hey, you get to be attached to what ever ideas you want. But if you life isn't working for you the way you want it to, it may be time to shift your thinking or take different action than you've been doing. SURPRISE!! I found this video and it was amazing to me to see a whole new way of approaching art that I had never seen before. You don't have to have a brush and you don't have to take months to make a painting. Have a look: It probably took that artist some time to fine tune his art the way he wanted. He had to learn what the paint would do, what would be in his control, and what he had to let go of and trust that it would be perfect.
It might take you some time to get into some new habits. You might need to experiment with new tools. Sometimes they will work for you, and sometimes they won't. The idea here is to be willing to try something new when the old way of thinking or acting is not giving you the results you want. Shift your perceptions. Try on new ways of thinking. For ideas check out some of the other posts on this blog (try looking for key words in the "Categories" section--action plan, baby steps, or other works that you connect with). Let me know what works or where you get stuck. Stick with it amazing people. You can do this! (...tweak your life I mean so yo can live the life you love!) Love, Aunt Laya |
Live the extraordinary life you deserve.
Aunt Laya
Aunt Laya inspires and encourages you to live the life you want for yourself! She'll tell you the truth, even when it's not always so easy to hear so that you can learn to handle the hard stuff of life and be your best, happiest self. Always with love and caring. Archives
October 2022