Author Laya Saul, also known as Aunt Laya lives with her husband, teens, dog and cat. She wrote her book and continues to keep a blog to encourage, inspire, and lift lives.
"I remember searching for answers when I was young. Back in the 1970's we were tricked into thinking that kids shouldn't trust anyone over 30 and the answers that I got from the popular books and music misled me. I learned a lot and I want to share tools and tips for getting through the hard times and enjoying life to the fullest. I want to encourage people. Everyone is lovable and everyone is loved. Each and every soul in this world makes a difference!"
One of the most common questions asked is why "Aunt Laya"? Even though Laya has a masters degree in psychology, her heart is what people connect with because she truly cares.
Aunt Laya does some things you'd expect a favorite aunt to do. She gardens and knits, and though she's keeps it all simple, she enjoys the work. She has a secret stash of Beanie Babies, some for keeping, and some for giving away. She doesn't eat any white sugar or dairy and is into raw desserts. She was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) so she relates to people who feel hard times in life.
She'll give you advice, write you a love note, or give you a blessing. Just ask.
Find her on Facebook here:
"I remember searching for answers when I was young. Back in the 1970's we were tricked into thinking that kids shouldn't trust anyone over 30 and the answers that I got from the popular books and music misled me. I learned a lot and I want to share tools and tips for getting through the hard times and enjoying life to the fullest. I want to encourage people. Everyone is lovable and everyone is loved. Each and every soul in this world makes a difference!"
One of the most common questions asked is why "Aunt Laya"? Even though Laya has a masters degree in psychology, her heart is what people connect with because she truly cares.
Aunt Laya does some things you'd expect a favorite aunt to do. She gardens and knits, and though she's keeps it all simple, she enjoys the work. She has a secret stash of Beanie Babies, some for keeping, and some for giving away. She doesn't eat any white sugar or dairy and is into raw desserts. She was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) so she relates to people who feel hard times in life.
She'll give you advice, write you a love note, or give you a blessing. Just ask.
Find her on Facebook here: