Everyone needs to feel supported. The truth is, no one lives in a vacuum. No matter how "self-made" someone claims to be, success can never be achieved alone.
So... do you have a good support system? The support you need depends on what you want out of life. If you are feeling alone, the support you need is emotional. You can use friends for support. Or, if you need more, maybe a class or coaching or counseling. If you want to get through school, you may need support in the form of tutors. If you want to get your house clean, either a course (like FlyLady!) or hiring someone could be the support you need. If you want to kick a habit that is hurting you, or if you want to adopt habits that will heal you, there are support groups for it all! Paying for support is a great thing too! A life coach has to pay his bills too so think of it as an energy exchange. Support can look like having a friend, coach, employee, or counselor to talk with to help you make a decision. Or it can simply and powerfully be someone who believes in you. No matter what form your support comes in, don't forget to express your gratitude! Ask for support where you need it. Give support where you can. No one is in this world alone. Give and receive. Set yourself up for success.
I was out shopping and heard crying. I turned to look. What I saw was a little family walking: a mom, a dad, a little boy crying, and a baby in a stroller. The mom and dad were not alarmed, the baby was peaceful, the boy was upset. Did he want something that his parents didn't give him? Was it time for his nap? Something upset him, but in the scheme of things, what ever he was bummed about didn't seem to be alarming to anyone around.
Now, his feelings were real to him. He (and everyone for that matter) deserved to be related to with sensitivity and kindness. And, at the same time, nothing tragic was really going on. For me, it was the perfect reflection of my life that day. I wasn't feeling well when I saw that scene. I wasn't actually crying on the outside, but I felt like I could have been. Still, from a wider perspective, the "not feeling well" of that moment was OK. Especially considering that just two days before I was in terrible pain with food poisoning. So on a pain scale, the pain I was feeling wasn't that high. Truth is, I have a great life and I have a LOT to be grateful about. Still, I get to have my feelings. The cool thing is that I also have a choice about how quickly or slowly I want to move through the little challenges. (Hooray for options and choices.) Understanding all of this didn't make me feel physically any better. But it did help me get perspective. That was helpful. So maybe this story will help you get perspective too. When you're sad and crying, consider the big picture of your life and you may find that things are not as bad as you thought. Love, Aunt Laya What do you do if those old, familiar, dark thoughts threaten to haunt you by popping into your mind? What if those cruddy, crusty thoughts pop into your head more than you even want? What if, worst of all, you don't even know of another way to be? If you've never learned how to work with your thought environment, here is a game plan. Flood your mind with the kind of thoughts you want. What are the thoughts you really want swimming in your awareness? Do you want thoughts that are positive? Then PLAN for the positive thoughts you want. Positive landslides anchor new notions. P = Positive L = Landslides A = Anchor N = New Notions Take the time right now to plan the new thoughts that you want to invite and promote into your mind. That means that the next time you catch yourself thinking negatively, you jump on the chance to flood your mind with the positive thoughts.
One of the thoughts I personally use is the attitude of gratitude. It's my first "go to" thought process when I feel stuck or down. But don't stop there.
You can do this! Love, Aunt Laya |
Live the extraordinary life you deserve.
Aunt Laya
Aunt Laya inspires and encourages you to live the life you want for yourself! She'll tell you the truth, even when it's not always so easy to hear so that you can learn to handle the hard stuff of life and be your best, happiest self. Always with love and caring. Archives
October 2022